Saturday 6 October 2007

Murphys' Law.

The last place you look should have been the first! I met Lindsay in MK today to help her find a hat for the wedding she is going to in a couple of weeks. We walked the whole length of the centre... too big, too small, too wintery, right shape- wrong colour..TOO expensive. Ended up in House of Fraser and found just the right one. Very light and young looking and a bargain price. It was nice to spend some time with Lindsay on her own, I don't often get the chance.

Michael and I have a few days away booked next week and yesterday we were told by the vet. that Bonnie needs to go in for an exploratory op. and maybe some surgery ,depending on what they find. She will be going in on Wednesday, I won't go into details here but it is to do with her rear end! Anyway, we have decided to still go away, Michael really needs a break ,we really can't do much and she is fine in herself. She will be well looked after by the girls and Dad and we will try not to worry too much.

MK Scrappers crop tomorrow, I have loads of projects in mind so must try to get down to some of them. Maybe I should sit in a different room so I don't chat so much!

Hope to have some good Autumn photo's when we get back. Watch this space.

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