Saturday 13 October 2007

Appreciation and apprehension

Michael and I have just returned from Yorkshire where we very much appriciated the scenery and the friendliness of the local people. Of course I had to visit a few 'scrapping' shops ,it would be rude not to. We used our National Trust membership and visited, Fountains Abbey, the Treasurers House in York and East Riddlesden Hall. In Howarth we enjoyed the Bronte Cottage museum and wandered around Hawes, Grassington (shop called Chocolace is well worth a visit), clambered up some of the Brimham rocks . Our campsite was in Strid woods where there are some beautiful walks, the river Ouse and Bolton Abbey.
The only down part of the week was thinking of poor Bonnie having her investigationn on Wednesday. Still, she coped well but has to go back in on Monday to have a 'mass' removed. The vet. tells us that it shouldn't be anything nasty as the size it is would probably mean she wouldn't be here if it was. She also has an ear problem and does not like having the drops put in! Here's hoping all goes well.


Recipes said...

You've been tagged mummy!!

Lynsey said...

Love these photos Gill.