Tuesday 30 June 2009

I don't think so!

I hate watching sport on TV. It just seems so boring to me. Where is the fun in watching a group of people hit a little ball into a hole or, kicking a larger one into a net big enough to drive a car through? Why would anyone want to watch noisy cars zooming around in circles? Conversely what a yawn to see twenty odd men (or women) bowling or hitting a very hard ball and then seeing how many time they can do a quick dash up and down a very short pitch. Don't even mention the 'sport' of darts. Still each to their own.

Anyway, last night I was all ready to see the one programme that I will probably watch all week and guess what? Yep, cancelled because of the flaming tennis !! Still it didn't seem to worry Michael too much. He turned to another channel and found something he thought might be very interesting to see. It was a charming and informative showing of the dissection of an elephant !!

He was quite suprised when I rapidly left the room!!!


SABEE said...

Oh No, I would have done the same... as for the sport, I feel the same.... mind you I did get Sky sport for the boys, but only for this month while the cricket and Rugby was on. Next month back to normal.. Because there is nothing worse than couch potatoes when there is stuff to do :)

SABEE said...

Gill, I left you an award on my blog. http://sabees-place.blogspot.com/ go have a look, pass it on ...lots of love